In 2025 the world is yours

New Nursing conferences and even cruises in 2025
We’re excited to be working with Nurses for Nurses once more in 2025, and together, we’ve lined up four exciting conference opportunities. Any, or all, of these conferences would be glorious ways to have a much-needed holiday and get those essential CPD hours.
In late January, Colleen and I will present at a three-day conference on the beautiful Sunshine Coast titled “Being Trauma-Informed across the Life Span.” This conference will yield 15 CPD hours.
Later, at the end of March, we’ll be on an 8-day cruise conference in collaboration with Education at Sea, sailing out of Brisbane to the beautiful South Pacific islands. We’ll stop in different ports to explore parts of Vanuatu between our conference sessions, before sailing back to Brisbane.
The effect of trauma on people’s lives is all over social media at present, and that’s exactly what we’ll cover in this conference: Nursing is Changing – Trauma, and Violence-Informed Healthcare. In addition to the conference sessions, the cruise will include two days for you to explore the gorgeous South Pacific ports of call. An amazing way to earn 24 CPD hours, in beautiful surroundings. You’ll have access to the online conference library for content before the cruise.
On the 30th of April, we’ll be back on the Sunshine Coast for 3 days, and our topic will be “How to Regain Professional Authority through Effective Communication“, for 15 CPD hours.
This conference aims to provide a better alternative to the tearoom talks by creating a collegial space for robust discussion. Our topics will focus on moving from breakroom chatter to creating sustainable, vibrant workplaces in healthcare. This means transitioning from informal chats amongst nursing staff to identifying and developing formal, practical strategies for a healthier, more dynamic work environment. In many healthcare workplaces, informal discussions on what’s wrong, what needs to change, and what needs to happen occur only in break rooms, treatment rooms, nurses’ stations, or even at the patient’s bedside. Giving these dialogues the importance they deserve is the first step in generating positive change in our workplaces.
Saving the most exciting for last, in August I’ll be departing from Hamburg, Germany, cruising to ports in England, Iceland, and Scotland on a 12-day cruise. Between port days we’ll have various presenters with sessions on “Understanding the Forces Shaping Healthcare Delivery Today and Into the Future“.
This conference will cover the topics of technological advances, workforce dynamics, digital transformation, and virtual care among other important subjects. is an interdisciplinary conference that brings together healthcare professionals to explore the multifaceted factors impacting healthcare delivery in the modern world. This conference offers 24 CPD hours, in addition to opportunities for exploring some diverse areas of our world.
I’m looking forward to meeting many more healthcare professional, rich discussions, and wonderful explorations of our world, and our work in 2025. I hope you can join me for part of these adventures.
Photo by Anna Shvets:
Read MoreThe Limbic System

New T-Shirts – The Limbic System
I have been delivering education on professional boundaries since 2005. Over that time I have worked with many groups from diverse organisations. I have worked 1:1 with professionals who have transgressed professional boundaries with patients, clients, and customers. Through the stories from participants in workshops or in 1:1 work, it is clear that in many cases there are significant links between their adverse childhood experiences and transgressing boundaries as an adult. Old systems get activated when at what I call the boundary crossroads – to establish a boundary or defer to old role responses to keep safe.
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…is it 2024 already?
by Debb
I looked back at my last blog posted in 2022 and, believe it or not, we were all still in lockdown. Seems such a long time ago now. I am thinking back over those past years and how much Davaar has achieved, or should I say ‘Wendy’ has achieved in that time. Zoom is certainly the way to go. It’s workable for all parties when it comes to ‘finding time’ and convenience. Add to the mix, the usual face-to-face workshops in all states of Australia, and a conference in Melbourne and before you know it, the months rush by and we’re heading into…
2023 – also a year of travel. January saw a trip to Cambodia. Both Wendy and Colleen presented for 41⁄2 days covering such topics as: Defining trauma and where stress and PTSD fit; the impact of trauma in the workplace; exploring trauma; understanding the interplay between trauma, the limbic system, and chronic health conditions; substance use for self-care; what is transference; professional boundaries; and many more.
They both had a wonderful time in the land of stunning colours, amazing temples, and mind-blowing food. Picture if you will: à la-cricket naturale. And I have the photo to prove it! A fun year looking back.
Fast forward to 2024. Our diary started filling up at an encouraging rate, starting at the end of last year. But, hey, I am not complaining! The diversity of my workload keeps me from getting bored ..
. not to mention ‘on my toes’. We have booked three huge workshops, from
Feb to May. For the exciting details and registration form please go to our website calendar. For your colleagues, staff, and self – you don’t want to miss out on these.
There’s a Trauma Informed Interpreting Practice Training workshop via Zoom in April & May for our friends in the UK – but open to all who don’t want to miss this unique opportunity.
Read MoreWhy Rotary for Nurses & Midwives?
Why indeed?
A very special podcast this time – with the exciting news that a new Rotary Club being formed for a very special group. Announcing the new Provisional Global Nurses and Midwives Rotary Club.
Episode #31: Dr Wendy McIntosh on Rotary for Nurses & Midwives
Sue Walker (of Nurses for Nurses Network and Nursing CPD Institutex) and Charter Member of Provisional Global Nurses and Midwives Rotary Club poses the question: “… why is our nursing and midwifery voice not being heard where decisions about how health and community services are delivered?” So, why ARE our nursing and midwifery voices not being heard? How do we even start to get people to listen and truly hear what is being said? Wendy has a solution.
In the first half of the podcast, Sue talks to Wendy about her role as a Rotarian. What is involved in becoming a Rotarian? Wendy describes her role, experiences and contribution as a ‘newbie’ Rotarian (joined 2011) who is ‘humbled by being a citizen of the world’. ‘Is there a place for nurses and nursing skills in Rotary’? Wendy takes us on her 30-year journey of nursing & 9 years of Rotary, meeting like-minded enthusiast Sue Walker along the way and together with the leadership group, putting their heads together to form the Global Nursing & Midwives Rotary Club (GNMRC).
In the second half of the podcast, in the discussion between Sue and Nic, the listener learns that 50% of the global health workforce are nurses and midwives, yet the profession’s representation in policymaking, at the political level or in the boardroom is at best… scant. Through volunteering, fundraising, grants, exchange programs, sponsorship – Sue and Nic talk about a perfect platform for lasting change; understanding others’ needs, getting involved and making an impact both locally and internationally.
It IS indeed exciting times. As we come towards the end of the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife the chartering of a Rotary Club specifically for Nurses and Midwives is a great initiative – a global opportunity to join a tribe.
Working together as a team, Sue, Wendy & Nicole Nash-Arnold (Nurse Manager HQ) … you couldn’t find a more interesting and formable combination of passion and experience to introduce this exciting new concept to the world. There’s that ‘e’ word again … exciting. When listening to this episode you can feel the enthusiasm, and yes, again, excitement, our speakers share with their listeners.
As Wendy asked … what’s possible? Let’s be challenged and let’s figure out a way to meet those challenges.
2020 International Year of the Nurse and Midwife … “This is our Time”.
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