Strengthening Professional Identity… Workplace Bullying

Strengthening Professional Identity when Experiencing Workplace Bullying

This workshop explores what happens in the brain when workplace bullying and shame is experienced and significantly what happens in the bodies stress system (limbic system) when a threat is perceived by the individual. The facilitator will explore with participants a range of simple techniques that participants can use to modulate the flight, fight, freeze responses they experience when under threat.

A number of models will be discussed during the workshop. These include: Compass of Shame, Focal Conflict Model, Ladder of Inference, Role Theory and Transactional Analysis. Each model demonstrates how workplace bullying acts as a solution to undercover tensions that exist in a person, in a team and in an organisation.

Participants will leave the workshop with a number of strategies that they can implement for themselves and for the organisation for which they work.Davaar Workplace Bullying Promo

Click on the image to download a PDF flyer with more information.

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