Podcast Special Guest Appearances

Special Guest Appearances: Dr Wendy McIntosh 

Nursing and Midwifery Education is a platform put together by Nicole Nash-Arnold (of Nurse Manage HQ) and Sue Walker (of Nurses for Nurses Network and Nursing CPD Institute) to give nurses the information, resources and stories that they need to live their best nursing life. Nursing + Midwifery Emporium was born for exactly that reason. Sue and Nic’s vision was to create a place where nurses could access a variety of non-clinical information about their careers and the lifestyle of being a nurse.

Wendy has appeared on the NMEmporium Podcast twice so far in 2020, and we thought it might be helpful for our podcast listeners to include links here for those appearances, so without further ado:

Episode #21: Dr Wendy McIntosh on Nursing Professional Boundaries


Episode #26: Wendy McIntosh on Clinical Supervision


Dr Wendy McIntosh PhD shares insights and strategies about developing and maintaining professional boundaries. Professional Boundaries are not limited to the clinical or therapeutic arena. If you are in a professional role – a nurse, a teacher, support worker, doctor, police officer, a prison officer, a council worker, healthcare worker, or hairdresser. If you are a volunteer or belong to a theatre group, a choir, a sports club, there will be something in this podcast for you and the relationships you have with others. Setting boundaries in our life is necessary for our emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical well being. Setting boundaries is about our safety.

Since 2005 Wendy has been developing her knowledge and interest in the area of professional boundaries. Wendy delivers workshops on boundaries in Australia (where she now lives) and Internationally when invited to do so. She is continually integrating learning and insights she gains from the work she does in professional boundaries. Wendy comes from a nursing, and predominately psychiatric nursing, background.

Wendy consistently receives feedback on her passion, knowledge, and creativity as a presenter and facilitator. Enjoy exploring boundaries in these podcast episodes as Wendy takes you on your own reflective journey on your professional boundaries, and clinical supervision.