Being Close While Being Distant: Safe Professional Boundaries with Clients, with Colleagues.
It is vital that staff working in people related roles comprehend the complexities of safe professional boundaries. These workshops explore a number of themes which help to deepen knowledge and skills in working safely with professional boundaries. Using a professional boundary framework the facilitator explores boundary violations in the continuum of over- and under- involvement.
Being Close While Being Distant: Safe Professional Boundaries with Clients, with Colleagues I
- Day one focuses on the client – staff relationship.
- Day two on collegial relationships.
Feedback from prior participants:
- “my concepts about boundaries were indeed strengthened”
- “the knowledge I have gained today will give me more confidence in my workplace as a team leader, educator and mentor”
- “under and over involvement – so relevant in my workplace”
- “role play set out your concerns, different sides”
- “interpersonal relationships within the team environment and how to be a better team leader”
- “it was the most rewarding training that I have been involved in for a long time. I can take away strategies to make a real difference to demonstrate safe boundaries to other staff and for my own professional health. Very engaging positive experience”
To get more information and register for this workshop, download our flyer and registration form, and send us your completed form with payment to the address listed.